Unity has NVIDIA PhysX physics engine built-in. This allows for unique emergent behaviour and has many useful features

It took me a week to study the built in physics in unity. There are some bugs when importing the like unaligned textures and rotation of objects but can be fix by reimporting and /or disabling auto animation. Overall unity's physics engine is good.

Lights will bring personality and flavor to your game. You use lights to illuminate the scenes and objects to create the perfect visual mood. Lights can be used to simulate the sun, burning match light, flashlights, gun-fire, or explosions, just to name a few.

There are four types of lights in Unity:

  • Point lights shine from a location equally in all directions, like a light bulb.
  • Directional lights are placed infinitely far away and affect everything in the scene, like the sun.
  • Spot lights shine from a point in a direction and only illuminate objects within a cone - like the headlights of a car.
  • Area lights (only available for lightmap baking) shine in all directions to one side of a rectangular section of a plane.
Lights can also cast Shadows. Shadows are a Pro-only feature. Shadow properties can be adjusted on a per-light basis.

Lighting can be easily assign and created.No coding is needed. Shadow effects can be automatically activate or not.However, it can affect the game performance.

-Joshua Soller

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    Darryl Valencia
    Joshua Soller


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    Planetary Infiltrator